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Corsham Juniors

Corsham Badminton Juniors Logo WHITE.png
A man in a badminton match

Younger Junior Session 

Springfield Community Campus 

Aimed at Juniors aged under 16 or new to badminton

Mondays 6pm to 7:30pm

Badminton Mixed Doubles

Older Junior Session

Springfield Community Campus 

Aimed at Juniors aged 16+ or of a high ability under that age with 1 hours of coaching followed by match play as part of the Adult Club night

Wednesdays 6pm to 7:00pm Coached

7pm Onward Matchplay

Session Fees

Sessions are billed termly rates are shown in the table below

Term 1
4th September to 23rd October


Term 4
24th February to 4th April


Term 2 
4th November to 20th December


Term 5
22nd April to 23rd May

£22.50 / £37.50*

Term 3
6th January to 14th February 


Term 6 
2nd June to 24th July


*Young juniors have a reduced number of sessions due to bank holidays


Steve Hulbert is a Level 2 Badminton England qualified coach who has been coaching for several years in schools, for group sessions and 1-1 sessions. Steve is an experienced, highly knowledgeable and friendly coach. He has coached all standards of players and knows how to tailor a session to all abilities. Steve has already helped many of our young juniors to develop their badminton and is widely known in Wiltshire for his expertise, particularly in his current role as Wiltshire junior coach. Whether you have clear goals or just want to have fun, Steve can help you! 

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